7 Natural Remedies to Relieve Dermatitis

Don't know how to control the symptoms of dermatitis? We teach you 7 natural remedies approved by experts.
7 Natural Remedies to Relieve Dermatitis
Diego Pereira

Reviewed and approved by el médico Diego Pereira.

Last update: 16 December, 2022

Although dermatitis can be treated with medication, many patients prefer to opt for more natural options. Certainly, lifestyle changes and the application of homemade ointments can alleviate the symptoms of different types of dermatitis. It’s for this reason that today we’re bringing you a selection of natural remedies to relieve dermatitis – all approved by scientists.

Not all options are effective just because they’re natural. Therefore, patients should be careful when looking to them to treat any health condition. With this in mind, all the natural remedies to relieve dermatitis we have compiled have been approved by scientific studies, so their use is approved by medical authorities.

The best natural remedies to relieve dermatitis

There are hundreds and hundreds of natural remedies to treat dermatitis. We can’t deal with all of them in this article, but we can analyze and recommend a selection of the best. So, without further ado, here are 7 natural remedies to relieve dermatitis.

1. Cold compresses on the affected area

A study published in Clinical Trials in 2001 found that cold water and saline compresses can improve the itching, irritation, and swelling caused by dermatitis.

Although it’s true that its effects are only temporary, the improvement in symptoms is almost immediate. You can do this with surgical compresses or opt for a wet wipe.

If you choose the latter, make sure it’s damp (not wet) and spread it over the largest part of the affected area. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) suggests applying a moisturizing cream after removing the compress. This will further promote symptom relief.

We advise you to do it 2 or 3 times a day and combine it with other natural remedies to relieve dermatitis.

2. Colloidal oatmeal baths

Colloidal oatmeal is made from finely ground oat grains mixed with a liquid solution. It has been used for decades to deal with bouts of irritation, such as those caused by dermatitis. There is evidence that its regular use can help reduce the symptoms of dermatitis, also to control its outbreaks.

You can use it in two ways: either make baths with them or mix until you get a paste to apply directly to the affected area. Since bathing can be more relaxing, and stress and tension can exacerbate symptoms, we recommend opting for the first method.

Colloidal oatmeal topical products are known to improve the skin microbiome and repair skin barrier defects.

3. Aloe vera

Natural remedies to relieve dermatitis include aloe vera.
One of the best natural products for the skin is aloe vera. It is safe, easy to use and inexpensive.

As the experts point out, aloe vera is a natural remedy to treat different dermatological conditions, including dermatitis. You can use the aloe vera crystal directly, or failing that, buy gels prepared with it.

Both options are effective in dealing with the symptoms of dermatitis. The properties of the aloe vera crystal also help to hydrate the skin and have antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities.

4. Coconut oil

A study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in 2019 found coconut oil to be effective in treating atopic dermatitis. The benefits are not immediate, so it can take several days or even weeks before you notice improvements.

Despite this, it’s a safe and effective option to treat symptoms such as irritation and itching. Apply it to the affected area with a gentle massage.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Although its application is recommended sparingly, the National Eczema Association advises the use of apple cider vinegar to treat the symptoms of dermatitis.

Although it’s true that the scientific evidence is limited, in practice, thousands of people around the world benefit from its application. There are two ways to use it: through wet wraps and through full baths.

We reiterate that its use should be controlled, since the acidic pH of apple cider vinegar can have a counterproductive effect on the skin. If you opt for baths make sure you don’t use more than two cups in your bath, and make sure you wash your whole body and not just the affected area.

If you suffer an increase in symptoms, opt for other natural remedies to relieve dermatitis.

6. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is known to be effective in reducing the symptoms of itchiness and inflammation on the surface of the skin. Although the extract is far from miraculous (as some would have it), the truth is that regular use in the affected area can reduce intense symptoms in minutes.

The astringent is made from the bark and leaves of the witch hazel plant and is readily available through topical products.

7. Evening primrose oil

Natural remedies to relieve dermatitis include evening primrose oil
While you don’t always get immediate results, evening primrose oil can be helpful in the long run.

Researchers recommend the use of evening primrose oil to relieve exacerbations of dermatitis. Its use is very safe, although some patients may take months to notice improvements.

Therefore, it isn’t a remedy to relieve symptoms immediately, but it’s useful when you want to reduce recurring symptoms. You can use it topically or through oral intake.

Along with all these, experts endorse the use of dozens of natural remedies to relieve dermatitis, as well as certain lifestyle changes. We highlight the following:

  • Use cotton or silk fabrics
  • Make diluted bleach baths
  • Apply moisturizers regularly
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Apply sunflower seed oil compresses
  • Apply olive oil compresses
  • Avoid allergens (dust, mites, pollen, latex and others)
  • Avoid gluten
  • Follow a balanced diet
  • Increase intake of probiotics
  • Reduce stress levels

You can use this in parallel with the above natural dermatitis relief remedies to reduce symptoms as well as preventing them from appearing. If you don’t notice improvements after a combination of all of them, then go and see a specialist. They will evaluate your case and recommend a specific treatment for you.

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