How to Remove Dandruff
Dandruff is a very common condition characterized by the flaking of the scalp. It has multiple causes, although most cases can be explained by yeast fungus (Malassezia) infection. Other conditions such as eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis may be behind the problem. Here are some tips to remove dandruff effectively.
Home remedies are often used to remove dandruff. Although it’s true that in some cases they can be effective, in others it’s a waste of money and effort. Using dozens of products can also have the same effect, not to mention that they can sometimes make symptoms worse. Let’s see how to remove dandruff with more practical methods.
6 tips to remove dandruff
According to researchers, dandruff is made up of dead cells, saturated fatty acids, and dust. For most people, exacerbations appear in winter and reduce in summer, and their symptoms can have repercussions on the self-concept of body image (which can lead to low self-esteem). Learn about some things you can do to get rid of dandruff.
1. Start a healthy eating diet
Experts have found that many dandruff patients are deficient in zinc, vitamin B, and some types of fats. Until now, a direct relationship between dandruff and poor diet hasn’t been found, but in practice many patients report an improvement when changing their eating habits for a more balanced diet.
It isn’t necessary to go for special diets, or start taking supplements. It’s enough just to include an adequate proportion of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and vegetables. In turn, you should decrease the consumption of refined sugar, fat, and carbohydrates. It;s a habit that you must apply in the long term and one that will also bring you multiple benefits in your general health.
2. Use anti-dandruff products
OK, so we’re not revealing the secret of the century, but it’s important to know that dandruff shampoos are effective. They’re not just an advertising ploy, and studies and research have supported their effectiveness when treating dandruff.
The problem is that there are many types of anti-dandruff products, something that most people aren’t aware of. These are classified according to their active agent, so that each one operates differently. The most used active agents in the current market are the following:
- Coal tar
- Selenium sulfide
- Zinc pyrithione
- Salicylic acid
- Salicylic acid and sulfur
- Ketoconazole
Just as these agents can help you eliminate dandruff, they can also exacerbate episodes. Therefore, you should try several options before finding the one that best suits your case. Take into account the active agents so that you know how to choose when trying for a new product.
3. Wash your hair more often
In line with the advice above, washing your hair more often can also help remove dandruff. Fashion and a commitment to aesthetics sometimes means we wash our hair less frequently, which has negative repercussions on the condition. Indeed, the accumulation of dead cells does not help to hide dandruff outbreaks.
So, how often should you wash your hair if you have dandruff? It depends on how much dandruff you get during the day. Try 3 times a week and then do tests to see how often you get the most results. Remember that the use of products after washing (conditioners, creams, and others) can reduce the effectiveness of the anti-dandruff shampoo.
4. Avoid scratching your scalp
This isn’t a tip to remove dandruff itself, but it is a technique to avoid exacerbating symptoms. For example, if you do, you can shed more cells, quicken the desquamation, inflame the scalp, and irritate it.
The inflammation and irritation will lead you to scratch more, thus creating a vicious cycle which will be difficult to get out of. Also, these two sequelae of scratching may increase your sensitivity when using anti-dandruff products and you may choose not to use them. Finally, if you break the skin, you can increase the risk of infections if your dandruff is due to a fungus.
5. Use apple cider vinegar and lemon
There is evidence that the use of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are effective in eliminating dandruff. They neutralize the growth of the fungus that causes scaling through their antifungal and antiseptic properties.
The frequency of its use depends on how severe your episodes are, although you can start with 2-3 times a week and consider increasing the application based on the results. Opt for its use in a way that doesn’t interfere with your anti-dandruff products, ensuring that their effectiveness doesn’t diminish (as we have already warned you).
6. Learn to manage stress
As with almost all conditions and diseases, stress can contribute to the worsening of symptoms. If you don’t stay away from stressful situations, then none of the above methods will be effective for you, and your dandruff production will increase considerably.
There are certain habits that can help to reduce stress. Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises are the most used. However, any activity that reduces or completely eliminates your stress is beneficial. As with other tips on our list, this will have a positive impact on other aspects of your life.
Keep in mind that there’s no miracle treatment to remove dandruff. You’ll have to try several to eliminate flaking, and, sometimes, using many alternatives together can interrupt the results. If you don’t make headway in weeks, consider seeing a dermatologist. They can suggest a personalized treatment based on your own particular case.
- Al-Darraji, A. H. Dandruff Disease; Reason and its Right Solution. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2020; 11(2).
- Arun, P. P. S., Vineetha, Y., Waheed, M., & Ravikanth, K. Quantification of the minimum amount of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar required for the growth inhibition of dandruff causing fungi Malassezia furfur. Int. J. Sci. Res. in Biological Sciences. 2019; 6, 2.
- Moroney, Y. A. Patients with dandruff: skin care. SA Pharmacist’s Assistant. 2016; 16(3): 24-26.
- Schwartz JR, Bacon RA, Shah R, Mizoguchi H, Tosti A. Therapeutic efficacy of anti-dandruff shampoos: a randomized clinical trial comparing products based on potentiated zinc pyrithione and zinc pyrithione/climbazole. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2013 Aug;35(4):381-7.
- Turner GA, Matheson JR, Li GZ, Fei XQ, Zhu D, Baines FL. Enhanced efficacy and sensory properties of an anti-dandruff shampoo containing zinc pyrithione and climbazole. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2013 Feb;35(1):78-83.