How to Do a Facial Cleansing

Blemishes on the face (and other parts of the body) are not a consequence of poor hygiene, but they can be aggravated by bad habits related to cleaning and caring for the skin.
How to Do a Facial Cleansing

Last update: 28 May, 2023

When the skin is frequently blemished and it’s a significant cause for concern, people often seek solutions. In that search, it’s common for them to wonder how to correctly carry out a facial cleansing.

A facial cleansing is a type of cosmetic treatment that’s especially aimed at improving the skin’s health and appearance. However, contrary to what people usually think, not only does it involve the extraction of blackheads, but it can also include several procedures in different phases.

What’s there to know about facial cleansing?

Routine facial cleansing is important.
Constant facial cleansing is important to maintain a good state of skin hydration and health.

Depending on the condition of the skin, facial cleansing can take different times to carry out. It’s usually finished in less than an hour, although in some cases it can take an hour and a half.

The person in charge of performing the procedure should make an assessment of the condition of the skin to determine the most appropriate care and the total duration of cleaning. Some of the phases that can be included would be the following.

Initial cleaning

First, the makeup is removed and the skin is cleaned with water and a mild cleanser, to prepare the skin for the rest of the phases.


Exfoliation isn’t a mandatory phase, but it isn’t usually excluded. In it, a granulated product is applied and the skin is gently massaged for a few seconds. This is used to remove dirt and dead cells from the skin to restore shine, freshness, and a good appearance.


If the skin is blemished, steam will be applied to the skin for a few minutes to soften the clogged pores and make it easier to remove the plugs. For this reason, in beauty centers, it’s common to use instruments called vaporizers.

Blackhead extraction

If the skin has blackheads and other imperfections, the expert will start to extract them carefully. It’s important to note that while many can be easily removed, it isn’t always possible to remove all of them the first time. It’s in this phase when the duration of facial cleansing can be extended.

High frequency

The high-frequency treatment uses a device that emits a type of electrical current to perform a micromassage to the skin. It’s considered that it facilitates the oxygenation of the skin, and has a bactericidal and rejuvenating effect.

Face mask

A mask is a product that’s applied mainly to absorb excess sebum, and nourish and hydrate the skin. It’s applied, left on for a few minutes, and then removed with a mild cleanser. When applying and removing it, the person in charge of cleaning the face can perform a manual massage.

Toning and moisturizing

After the mask, a toning product is usually applied with the help of a cotton pad. Finally, when the skin has completely absorbed the toning product, a moisturizing product is applied according to the type of skin. In this phase, a short and light final massage can be given.

Some of the goals of facial cleansing are to restore freshness to the face, control excess shine, reduce the number of blemishes, moisturize the skin, and even rejuvenate it.

How often do you need to do a facial cleansing?

It all depends on the type of skin. Some skin needs a monthly cleaning and others require it cleaning every 15 days. The dermatologist is the one who can best answer this question.

On a day-to-day basis, you don’t need to wash your face many times in order to “keep it clean”. Doing so can dry out your skin and make it look even worse.

Washing too frequently (and using bar soaps with fragrances or ones that just aren’t suitable for the skin type) is a common mistake among people who don’t tolerate shine or blemishes well.

How to do a facial cleansing at home properly

Doing a facial cleansing requires some chemicals
Knowing the type of skin you have and its conditions is important in order to choose the right products for long-term care.

When doing a facial cleansing at home, you must take into account some recommendations to avoid mistreating the skin and harming its appearance:

  • Use products according to the type of skin (if the skin is prone to acne, it’s best to apply anti-mesogenic products, which don’t have an oily base).
  • Products used for skin care shouldn’t have irritating or sensitizing effects and should be able to keep the lipid layer of the skin intact, according to some studies.
  • You should always wash your face before starting facial cleansing to remove any remaining dirt, sunscreen, and makeup that you may have.
  • Imperfections shouldn’t be manipulated with your hands or nails, as, in addition to mistreating the skin, they can worsen imperfections and spread them to other areas.
  • Avoid applying exfoliating products in the eye area and near the nasal mucosa.
  • The cotton, pieces of toilet paper, or gauze used to perform the procedures shouldn’t be reused.
  • The water should be lukewarm. Never use extreme temperatures.

After a facial cleansing, it’s advisable to avoid putting on makeup for the next few hours. Some people think that the ideal thing would be to wait till the next day to do it.

Finally, to maintain the cleaning results over time and have healthy and beautiful skin, it’s advisable to use sun protection daily and cosmetic products according to the type of skin, according to the dermatologist’s guidelines.

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