The 7 Foods with the Most Vitamin D

We are going to show you which are the foods with the most vitamin D so that you ensure the presence of this important nutrient in the diet on a regular basis.
The 7 Foods with the Most Vitamin D
Saúl Sánchez

Written and verified by el nutricionista Saúl Sánchez.

Last update: 13 February, 2023

Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients in the body. as it takes part in a lot of different physiological reactions. It’s an element that’s prone to deficits, as more than 50% of people don’t have the recommended blood values. This causes severe health problems in the medium and long term. So, that’s why we’re bringing you this article describing the food with the most vitamin D.

As we show you the food with the most vitamin D, you’ll be able to ensure that you include them in your diet on a regular basis. You also need to remember that it’s also essential to expose yourself frequently to sunlight. Through ultraviolet radiation, the body is able to synthesize the vitamin endogenously.

Not all vitamin D is the same

The first thing to be clear about is that vitamin D is a fat-soluble compound that can come in different forms. Not all of them are equally efficient or have the same ability to accumulate in the body. In fact, the one that is produced endogenously is the most valuable. Even so, it will be necessary to compensate for the deficiencies of the nutrient at the dietary level.

It should also be clear that there aren’t many foods that contain vitamin D. For this reason, it’s essential for them to appear in your diet often, in order to maximize its levels.

According to a study published in the journal Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders , maintaining a vitamin D deficiency over time can increase the incidence of autoimmune pathologies, cardiovascular problems, certain very aggressive types of cancer and type 2 diabetes. To prevent this situation, supplementation could even be considered.

It’s also important to note that this nutrient is key when it comes to bone health. It determines the fixation of calcium in bones and other parts of the body, in addition to its absorption capacity at the intestinal level, according to research published in Frontiers of Hormone Research. This is especially relevant in women, as from the menopausal stage they have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis.

However, there’s no point in ingesting an optimal supply of calcium and vitamin D from the moment the risk begins. The best thing is to ensure that the levels of both nutrients in the body are maintained in adequate ranges throughout life. In addition, your diet will have to be combined with resistance exercise to achieve structural health.

Foods with the most vitamin D content

We are going to show you the foods with the most vitamin D content. Remember that it’s essential to introduce them in the context of a varied and balanced diet in order to prevent deficits of other nutrients that may condition your health.

You’ll also need to avoid increases in fat weight that have a negative impact on the state of body composition.


Among the foods with the most vitamin D is salmon.
Besides being delicious, salmon is an excellent food for its nutritional quality.

Oily fish are a source of vitamin D. The nutrient is found in their adipose tissue. Salmon stands out among all of them, since a single serving provides 100% of the recommended daily amount, and so it’s a very suitable product to meet the needs of the nutrient. It also has proteins of high biological value, which are necessary to ensure muscle function.

It should be noted that salmon contains much lower doses of heavy metals than other large blue fish, such as tuna. These elements can accumulate in the body, causing damage in the medium term. Above all, they are dangerous for the correct functioning of the central nervous system, and, in the case of pregnancy, they could produce malformations in the fetus.

As a general rule, the inclusion of salmon in the diet is recommended. It can be substituted for other fish such as elvers, conger eel, or anchovies. The tuna itself is advisable, although it should be consumed to a lesser extent to avoid problems with the metals mentioned.


Eggs are one of the most demonized foods of the past century. Their consumption was restricted due to a supposed negative interaction with the body’s lipid profile, which would increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, it has now been shown that the presence of eggs in the diet isn’t only harmless, but also prevents many significant nutritional deficiencies.

It’s a food that stands out for its vitamin D content and for the proteins of high biological value that they contain. Despite also having saturated type fatty acids in the yolk, they aren’t harmful at all, as they are cis-type fats. What must be avoided is subjecting them to high temperatures, to ensure that they don’t change their spatial configuration, becoming trans.

It should also be noted that eggs are a source of other essential minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin B12. This is necessary to prevent episodes of anemia that can lead to chronic tiredness and fatigue. Maintaining insufficient levels of the nutrient in the body could also increase the risk of developing cardiovascular accidents or neurodegenerative problems.

Cod liver oil

Some fish liver stands out for its vitamin D content. In addition, this organ concentrates a large amount of essential nutrients, as well as proteins of high biological value. Cod liver oil is a fairly common product in some cuisines, which can also be obtained thanks to dietary supplements. It’s an excellent option to avoid vitamin deficiencies.

However, before including supplements in the diet, it’s advisable to consult with a nutrition expert. Most of them are safe in the stipulated doses, but they may interact with other drugs or not be suitable for a specific person, due to their individual circumstances. It’s also important to optimize the diet first.

Vitamin D supplements are generally considered to be very safe products. They can even be effective for the prevention of infectious diseases, especially when a person hasn’t had much exposure to sunlight during the summer. This is indicated by research published in the journal Nutrients. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to overdose on this vitamin.


Mushrooms that are exposed to the sun for 30 or 60 minutes are capable of using solar radiation to produce different forms of vitamin D. This isn’t sensitive to heat processes, and so it’ll remain during the cooking processes. Because of this, it’s an excellent way to increase the levels of this vitamin in the body.

In fact, some types of mushrooms are often used for the production of vitamin D supplements, due to their ability to use radiation to produce the nutrient. Of course, they don’t always have high concentrations of the vitamin. Neither are all types of mushrooms able to provide this element.

However, its inclusion in the diet on a regular basis is a good strategy to increase the levels of vitamin D in the body, thus preventing a possible deficit situation. Keep in mind that these foods aren’t available throughout the year, and are more frequent in autumn. After this period, they can only be purchased frozen or produced under special conditions, with altered nutritional value.

Dairy products

To achieve optimal levels of vitamin D it is important to consume dairy products.
Provided they are well tolerated, consuming dairy regularly is perfect for maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D in the body.

Milk and its derivatives are characterized by having a high nutritional density. They’re a good source of proteins of high biological value, substances that help keep muscle tissue in good condition. According to a study published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism magazine, it’s necessary to ensure an intake of at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of weight per day in sedentary people.

In addition, dairy is a source of vitamin D, as long as it’s full-fat milk. In fact, it isn’t advisable to buy the skimmed or semi-skimmed versions, as a large part of their nutritional value is lost. They contain many fat-soluble micronutrients such as vitamins D, E, K, and A. All of them are necessary to maintain homeostasis.

However, with regard to milk and its derivatives, certain precautions must always be taken at a microbiological level. It’s advisable to only consume products that have undergone thermal pasteurization processes. In this way, their health is ensured, by means of the absence of bacteria that can be pathogenic for humans.


Nuts are highly recommended in almost any type of diet. They provide a good dose of omega-3 series fatty acids. These nutrients are decisive in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, as stated in research published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. In part, this is because they help lower inflammation levels.

In addition, they have a certain dose of vitamin D inside. It isn’t as high as in oily fish or dairy products, but it contributes towards your daily requirements. Keep in mind that a handful of nuts each day is recommended by most nutrition experts.

Likewise, it’s important to note that nuts should always be consumed natural or roasted. It’s advisable to avoid the fried and salty versions, as they can contain substances that aren’t recommended for health, such as trans-fatty acids. On the other hand, its energy value will increase, which could lead to an increase in weight over time.

Beef liver

Beef liver is also an excellent source of vitamin D, as well as many other nutrients. An example would be iron and zinc. Iron is essential in order to prevent anemic conditions that can create chronic fatigue. The second ensures hormonal balance and stimulates the function of the immune system, intervening in the differentiation of the cells of the white series.

In fact, liver used to be included in the diet of children with growth problems, given its high nutritional density. Today it’s less common to find it in dietary guidelines, but this doesn’t mean that it isn’t still a high-quality product. Of course, it’s best to opt for organic versions, as this ensures no traces of antibiotics or waste products.

Keep in mind that beef liver has a very strong flavor, and some people will be averse to it. There are several different ways to make it, so that some of its natural characteristics are disguised. It’s a product well worth taking into account to improve the levels of vitamin D in the body.

Include foods with high levels of vitamin D in your diet

As you have seen, there are several foods with vitamin D that can be included in your diet on a regular basis to avoid deficits of the nutrient that could affect your health. Even though there aren’t many more to mention, keep in mind that butter, prawns, and oysters can also provide a significant dose of the vitamin.

Finally, always keep in mind that it will be necessary to combine a proper diet with other healthy lifestyle habits to maintain good health over time. Among them, exposure to sunlight stands out. Thanks to radiation, endogenous synthesis of vitamin D is stimulated and inflammatory mechanisms within the body are kept under control.

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