6 Reasons to See a Nutritionist

There are several reasons to see a nutritionist, besides the need to lose weight and improve body composition. Learn more.
6 Reasons to See a Nutritionist
Saúl Sánchez

Written and verified by el nutricionista Saúl Sánchez.

Last update: 12 June, 2023

Nutritionists have gained importance in recent years. Little by little, the population is becoming aware of the importance of taking care of the diet in order to achieve a good state of health. However, the reasons to see a nutritionist can be diverse, as it’s not just a question of losing weight or reaching a situation of well-being.

Of course, first of all, you should know that in many parts of the world, this professional is still not part of the spectrum of specialists included under health coverage. Over time, this may change, but at the moment, it’s most common to see a nutritionist privately.

Reasons to see a nutritionist

Next, we’re going to explain to you the main reasons why you can go to a nutritionist. Keep in mind that it’ll be essential that you find a professional who empathizes with you so that they can perfectly understand your case and adapt as much as possible to your circumstances. This is the only way to achieve good adhesion in the medium term.

1. To lose weight

The first reason is almost obvious. You can see a nutritionist because you want to lose weight. Although it’s true that diet isn’t the only factor that influences the state of body composition, it plays a determining role. Now, the guidelines at the diet level will have to be complemented with other good habits, such as the practice of resistance exercise on a regular basis.

It’s important to understand that through a dietary adjustment, you can begin to lose weight efficiently and without giving up your appetite. There are many protocols that have proven to be effective and generate a good adaptation in the patient, such as intermittent fasting. However, many different strategies can be implemented with the goal of promoting lipid oxidation.

However, you won’t get very far if you don’t accompany the diet with the practice of strength exercise. It’s essential to promote muscle hypertrophy in order to increase energy expenditure, which will allow establishing a deficit in a simpler way, without a sensation of appetite. Otherwise, you’d have to cut calories too much, which can lead to anxiety.

2. To treat diseases

A woman measuring her blood pressure.
Improving your lifestyle (diet included) is a fundamental tool for the control of many chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure.

There are many complex conditions that can be prevented and treated through dietary adjustments. For example, poor diet is considered one of the risk factors for the development of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of trans fatty acids could increase the incidence of these problems, according to a study published in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome.

Likewise, an adjustment in dietary habits can help increase the efficiency of antitumor treatment, in addition to preventing the progression of this cell mass. For this, different strategies are proposed, such as supplementation with vitamins and antioxidants. Some compounds present in plant foods, such as curcumin, are capable of exerting a significant anticancer effect. This is evidenced by research published in Nutrients.

The potential of herbal medicine can’t be forgotten. Through many compounds from plants, health can be improved. For example, milk thistle is excellent to protect the functioning of the liver, which prevents the development of diseases associated with this organ that can put metabolism at risk.

However, it shouldn’t be thought that a dietary adjustment alone will solve all problems. There’s always a genetic determination that will have a lot of influence on the final result. Similarly, there are several risk factors that are associated with the development of complex diseases. Controlling your diet is a good thing, but it’s not the only thing you can do about it.

3. See a nutritionist to increase athletic performance

In most professional sports clubs the figure of a nutritionist has been established. This is because science has confirmed that a good diet increases performance in athletes, in addition to reducing the risk of injury. For this reason, it’s important to adjust the diet exhaustively when you’re trying to push your body to the maximum.

Of course, the field of sports nutrition is one of the most extensive and interesting. Not only are there many dietary strategies that can be put in place to improve athletes’ performance but there are many ergogenic aids that can be played with to achieve optimal fitness and to maximize recovery processes.

For example, one of the most widely used supplements is creatine. According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, it’s a very safe element for health that can increase the maximum strength and power of athletes, as well as recovery. For this reason, it’s indicated for all those athletes who practice sports with an anaerobic component.

4. To improve the quality of sleep

If you’re not sleeping well, you may need to adjust your schedule to achieve hormonal balance. Many nutrients participate in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and substances linked to the quality of sleep. An example would be the amino acid tryptophan, necessary for the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin. If there’s a deficit of this element, rest won’ be restorative.

Likewise, the consumption of certain supplements could represent a turning point in terms of sleep quality. Among the most used is melatonin. This neurohormone has been shown to help prevent sleep and emotional disorders. In addition, it has a high antioxidant power, which is why it neutralizes the formation of free radicals and their subsequent accumulation in the body’s tissues.

In fact, melatonin supplements have been postulated in recent years as the preferred option over many drugs. The effects can be almost equal in certain cases, while the side effects are fewer and less severe. These supplements have a very high safety profile, so they don’t generate dependency or tolerance over time.

5. To improve your appearance

Going to a nutritionist is important to improve appearance.
Beauty begins with health, so a well-fed person will have an easier time looking good aesthetically.

Beauty can be increased by optimizing the nutritional pattern. Of that, there’s no doubt. There are several nutrients that participate in the synthesis of collagen, one of the most abundant proteins in the human body, which is part of the skin. Vitamin C is the one that has the greatest impact on this internal production process, as evidenced by research published in Nutrients.

It’s important to ensure that the supply of this nutrient is adequate to delay the appearance of wrinkles and the signs of aging. Although it’s true that it can also be administered topically, its levels within the body must be correct. In addition, it has many other functions, such as boosting the immune system.

At the same time, a large number of compounds with antioxidant activity can be administered through the diet, especially the phytochemicals present in vegetables. These neutralize the formation of free radicals and their subsequent accumulation in the body’s tissues, which is also associated with a lower development of the signs of aging.

6. See a nutritionist to avoid digestive problems

Food intolerances are the order of the day. Many people are limited in their diet by the amount of foods that make them feel bad. The act of restricting them could even condition their state of health in the medium term, as they’d experience a greater risk of a deficit of essential nutrients.

To avoid many intolerances, you just need to take care of the intestinal microbiota. Through the consumption of fermented dairy and fiber, the density and diversity of the microorganisms that inhabit the digestive tract can be promoted, which will systematically improve digestion.

Run away if they only offer you supplements

In parallel with the nutritionist, the figure of dieticians has also grown, based on the use of supplements under any circumstance as a therapeutic tool. This is something to escape from. It’s fine to rely on certain supplements, compounds, or ergogenic aids, but in parallel, you also need to adjust your eating habits.

It is not enough just to start including many substances exogenously through industrial products. It’s also not a good idea to replace meals with shakes to achieve weight loss or to improve digestive function. Rather, the complete opposite is true. Supplements are the icing on the cake. Although they’re very beneficial in certain situations, they don’t work miracles. This is something to keep in mind.

Also, when choosing a sports supplement, you have to be even more careful. Product quality and purity certificates should always be required. Also, you should only choose those that indicate that the complement is free of doping substances. Otherwise, a positive could arise in a control that puts the athlete’s career at risk.

There are many reasons to see a nutritionist

As you can see, there are many reasons that can lead you to visit a nutritionist, besides the interest in losing weight. You just have to search your city to find the specialist that best suits your needs, as a sports nutritionist doesn’t work in the same way as one oriented to the treatment of digestive diseases.

Now, don’t think that adapting the diet is all you need to do. Surely, the nutritionist will insist on the need to implement other good habits, such as exercising regularly, getting a good night’s rest, and regular exposure to sunlight. Only through a combination of all of these factors can a good state of health be achieved in the medium term.

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