Drinking Sparkling Water Daily: Is It Good?

Consuming sparkling water daily can be good if it reduces the presence of soft drinks and alcohol in the diet. Learn more in today's article.
Drinking Sparkling Water Daily: Is It Good?
Saúl Sánchez

Written and verified by el nutricionista Saúl Sánchez.

Last update: 26 December, 2022

Drinking sparkling water can be a positive strategy when the goal is to reduce the consumption of alcohol or sugary soft drinks. However, for many people, it won’t be an optimal habit on a day-to-day basis. And we’re talking about a drink that can cause digestive discomfort.

The best tool to guarantee a good state of hydration is natural mineral water. It’s difficult to specify precisely what amount of liquid should be ingested daily, as it will depend on the characteristics of the person and their circumstances. But the truth is that at least a liter and a half should be included in the diet each day.

The benefits of drinking sparkling water

First of all, it’s key to mention that sparkling water isn’t the same as soda. This latest soda contains simple sugar. We’re talking about a compound that can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the medium term, mainly due to its effects on blood glucose.

The incidence of disease will be higher when simple carbohydrates are included in the diet in liquid form, as evidenced by research published in the Current Diabetes Reports journal.

But when we talk about sparkling water as such, we’re referring to a drink that doesn’t contain any type of nutrient. Only minerals in small doses, just like natural mineral water.

The only difference is that it contains bubbles inside, thus giving it certain organoleptic characteristics. For many people, the taste is pleasant, even more so than its natural version.

Be that as it may, the taste is similar to that of certain soft drinks or alcoholic beverages, such as beer. For this reason, it’s included in the diet in certain situations to reduce the intake of these drinks, as these products are very harmful to the body.

In the case of soft drinks, the problem is simple sugars and artificial additives. When we refer to alcohol, we’re talking about a substance that’s toxic, regardless of the dose consumed.

According to a study published in the journal Drug Metabolism Reviews, the intake of this substance increases the risk of developing complex diseases that affect the liver, kidneys, heart, and central nervous system.

It also causes alterations in the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections caused by viruses and bacteria. It even alters the hormonal environment and the production of these compounds.

Sparkling Water Hazards

The risks derived from the consumption of sparkling water are very low. Most of the undesirable effects will occur on an intestinal level and will be related to the bubbles themselves.

There may be more incidents in people with a certain predisposition to digestive discomfort. In certain situations, digestion could even be slower if the food is accompanied by sparkling water instead of water.

In the same way, we’re talking about a drink that isn’t recommended in the case of those who have developed some inflammatory intestinal disease. In these situations, it’s best to optimize the diet in order to facilitate digestion and the subsequent absorption of nutrients.

There’s evidence that benefits could be experienced from the reduction in fiber intake, as, in this way, the fermentation inside the tube will be decreased.

However, they’re quite specific cases. The same could happen when there’s a hiatus hernia, reflux, or dysphagia. However, in the rest of contexts, sparkling water won’t cause major problems as long as it appears in moderate amounts in the diet.

Although it’s quite similar to mineral water, the mineral content can vary, which could also be problematic if we are talking about high doses.

Be that as it may, this drink can be used as a refreshment, knowing that no significant effects on blood glucose levels will be experienced. In this way, the genesis of an inflammatory state that can end up causing type 2 diabetes or alterations in metabolism is prevented.

When to include sparkling water in the diet?

Sparkling water is better than soda.
Consuming sparkling water is an excellent opportunity to give up sugary drinks like cola.

The truth is that the best time to include sparkling water in your diet is outside of the main meals. It’s true that it could increase the feeling of satiety and cause energy intake to be lower, but it will also hinder or slow down subsequent digestion.

Bothersome gas will be more likely to be experienced if combined with a meal that contains legumes or with other products with the ability to produce gas.

To get the most out of it, it will be key to consume it between meals. Even as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon drink, it will work well. Its consumption could reduce appetite, as evidenced by research published in the journal Obesity.

This effect is also achieved from natural mineral water, but in any case, choosing what best suits you will depend on individual tastes.

It’s key to mention that proper management of the appetite-satiety binomial in the diet is decisive in order to maintain a good state of body composition over the years.

To do this, various strategies can be implemented. Not only a high consumption of liquids, but the presence of fiber in the diet in sufficient quantities will make a difference. Even an adequate night’s rest will help to regulate the feeling of hunger.

The importance of good hydration

Through sparkling water, mineral water, liquids contained in other foods, and even juices, it’s possible to maintain a good state of hydration over time. This is key to avoiding serious health problems, as dehydration can be fatal.

Above all, care must be taken with this phenomenon in hot weather, as the loss of liquids through sweat is greater.

Of course, not only water in itself matters. Attention should be paid to the hydroelectrolytic balance in general. A reduction in the sodium concentration in the internal environment could also cause serious problems.

The most common of all of them is hyponatremia, which has been shown to require hospitalization in many cases. In order not to fall into this state, it’s important to drink enough and ensure an adequate intake of sodium through food.

Sparkling water and dental health

Sparkling water affects dental health
If sparkling water is consumed regularly, the dental hygiene process must be reinforced.

Finally, we must mention that the regular intake of sparkling water could affect the enamel of the teeth if it’s abused. This is due to the erosive effect of carbonic acid, as evidenced by research published in The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice.

In any case, the tests are limited and are sometimes based on experimental or in vitro models, so solid conclusions can’t be drawn either.

Even so, to avoid problems related to your teeth, regulating the intake of sparkling water may not suffice. You’ll also need to control many other dietary habits. For example, abusing citrus fruits wouldn’t be positive either, due to the presence of a significant amount of acid inside. This could gradually wear down the enamel, making the teeth more susceptible to infection.

In the same way, maintaining good hygiene is decisive. For this, it’s best to brush 3 times a day with a good-quality paste and a suitable brush.

It shouldn’t be excessively rigid, as this could also cause erosion in the outermost part of the teeth. Now, to optimize all these processes, there’s nothing better than consulting with a specialist.

Sparkling water can be drunk on a regular basis

There aren’t many arguments to discourage the consumption of sparkling water in moderate doses on a daily basis, as long as there are no previous diseases. Only in the case of having a certain predisposition to abdominal pain could the presence of this liquid be limited in the diet. This will prevent you from suffering associated symptoms or increasing their occurrence.

Maintaining a good state of hydration is key at all stages of life. Above all, fluid consumption must be monitored during childhood and in advanced adulthood, as in the latter case, the concentration of water in the internal environment is lower. If a state of dehydration is experienced, life could be put at risk, as the management of body temperature would be incorrect.

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