7 Benefits of Taking a Break from Social Media

Excessive use of the Internet results in physical and emotional consequences. Let's look at 7 benefits of taking a break from social media.
7 Benefits of Taking a Break from Social Media

Last update: 29 December, 2022

The use of social networks has experienced an exponential increase in recent years. Today it seems inconceivable not to share all or part of daily experiences through networks such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. There are many benefits to taking a break from social media, and today we’re rounding up 7 of them to encourage you to take a step back and limit your use.

We’re often not aware of the frequency with which we access these platforms. This is why most tend to believe that they use social networks less than they really do. If you want to take a break from social media but still have doubts about it, today we’ll tell you why you should do it and certain negative aspects that aren’t mentioned when talking about them.

7 benefits of taking a break from social media

Our intention in the following paragraphs isn’t to demonize the use of social networks. In principle, their use translates into more benefits than disadvantages. The problem arises when you access them for several hours a day, so much so that much of your free time is spent in virtual environments. With that in mind let’s see 7 benefits of resting from social networks, as well as some reflections.

1. You reduce the signs of anxiety and depression

There’s evidence that connects the use of social networks with the manifestation of signs of anxiety as well as depression. Symptoms of this type appear in cases of pathological use, and it does so on different fronts.

For example, due to the excessive comparison with the lives of others, the dependence on the adulation of followers, and the anguish that comes with the need to be aware of the publications and news in these spaces. Both signs can also appear as a consequence of nomophobia.

Nomophobia is the irrational fear of not having your mobile nearby, as well as being going without contact for a long time. As social networks and messaging networks are the most used applications on mobile devices, nomophobia is related to them. If you reduce and even eliminate access to these platforms, you avoid these consequences.

2. You prevent your self-esteem from diminishing

Resting from social networks allows you to have to take some time off.
If social networks become a recurring problem, limiting their use can translate into greater enjoyment of life.

A study published in Europe’s Journal of Psychology in 2018 found that the use of Facebook can lead to self-esteem problems. This is due to the comparison that’s made with the economic income, lifestyle, weight, and aesthetics of others. Women are more likely to develop this consequence than men, as are those who are younger (children and adolescents) in comparison to those who are older.

Self-esteem is the subjective perception that one has of the self. This isn’t only built based on internal subjective evaluations, but also through evaluations that others make of oneself. It’s for this reason that taking a break from social media can have an impact on fortifying one’s self-image by avoiding a pathological comparison with others.

3. You improve your sleep patterns

A study published in Current Sleep Medicine Reports in 2019 suggested that social media use can lead to sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Screen time typically intensifies at night, as this is the time when you have the most free time. It’s not uncommon for people to use networks like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter until right before bed, leading to trouble falling asleep.

4. You’ll feel less alone

Although it may seem paradoxical, a study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology in 2018 suggested that limiting the use of social networks to only 30 minutes a day translates into a decrease in the subjective perception of loneliness.

Many people’s interpersonal relationships today have been restricted exclusively to virtual environments, so avoiding this space will lead you to invest in face-to-face meetings. It’s one of the best benefits of taking a break from social media.

5. You reduce the chances of addiction

During the last few years, experts have used the terms addiction to social media or addiction to the Internet. Although they’re not recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in its fifth edition, nor in the International Classification of Diseases in its eleventh edition, the evidence in this regard is indisputable.

When the use of these platforms affects the well-being of your daily life, then we’re looking at an addiction, so limiting their use is beneficial to avoid it.

6. You control access to toxic and harmful information

A woman looking at her cell phone with a depressed expression on her face.
Not everything we find on our cell phones is good. In fact, much of this information can be hurtful.

The use of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter has been linked to information overload. This is sometimes known as infoxication.

Not all the information found through social networks is true, as much of it is shared with the goal of causing agitation, generating traffic to web pages, and even conditioning what a person thinks. If you feel that you only read bad news or that you always end up irritated or annoyed after closing the platforms, don’t hesitate to limit the use of social media.

7. You minimize your aggressive behaviors

For all the reasons that have been exposed, the evidence indicates that the problematic use of social networks is associated with aggressive behaviors and greater victimization attitudes. Therefore, another of the benefits of taking a break from social networks is that you minimize behaviors of this type.

Violent attitudes are more common in young people and adolescents, so limiting their use at these stages is crucial during development.

You don’t have to completely eliminate the use of these platforms, just limit your use of them. There’s no average time, but try to access them between 30 and 45 minutes throughout the day. You can reduce the time as the weeks go by, thus avoiding a sudden impact that leads you to resume the regular use you made of them.

  • Bergagna E, Tartaglia S. Self-Esteem, Social Comparison, and Facebook Use. Eur J Psychol. 2018;14(4):831-845. Published 2018 Nov 30.
  • Hunt, M. G., Marx, R., Lipson, C., & Young, J. No more FOMO: Limiting social media decreases loneliness and depression. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2018; 37(10): 751-768.
  • Martínez-Ferrer B, Moreno D, Musitu G. Are Adolescents Engaged in the Problematic Use of Social Networking Sites More Involved in Peer Aggression and Victimization?. Front Psychol. 2018;9:801. Published 2018 May 29.
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  • Scott, H., & Woods, H. C. Understanding links between social media use, sleep and mental health: recent progress and current challenges. Current Sleep Medicine Reports. 2019; 5(3): 141-149.
  • Shensa A, Sidani JE, Dew MA, Escobar-Viera CG, Primack BA. Social Media Use and Depression and Anxiety Symptoms: A Cluster Analysis. Am J Health Behav. 2018;42(2):116-128.
  • Wilson C, Stock J. ‘Social media comes with good and bad sides, doesn’t it?’ A balancing act of the benefits and risks of social media use by young adults with long-term conditions. Health (London). 2021;25(5):515-534.

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