How Is Hyperglycemia Treated?

Do you have frequent hyperglycemia? In that case, we are going to tell you what are the pillars of treatment for this condition, reducing blood glucose alterations.
How Is Hyperglycemia Treated?
Saúl Sánchez

Written and verified by el nutricionista Saúl Sánchez.

Last update: 31 July, 2021

Hyperglycemia is a health problem that occurs with an excessive rise in blood sugar. The factors that cause it can be several, and the severity can vary considerably too. Sometimes it can affect the function of certain organs and create problems – one such example is in a visual capacity.

It’s a condition that usually develops especially in people with diabetes. They have inefficient glycemic management, which makes it difficult to maintain homeostasis. However, it’s more common in type 2 diabetes than in type 1, in which the most common complication is hypoglycemia.

Dietary treatment of hyperglycemia

The hyperglycemia typical of diabetes can be improved with food
Healthy eating is a fundamental pillar in the treatment of diabetes. In fact, the conditions known as “prediabetes” can be reversed with a good diet.

When treating hyperglycemia, it’s essential to pay special attention to lifestyle habits. This includes diet, physical exercise, and proper rest. These three pillars are capable of determining health, preventing problems that condition well-being, as well as imbalances in the homeostasis of the internal environment.

Pharmacological treatment does exist for hyperglycemia, but modifying the diet is the best option. This will achieve better results and reduce the need to take medication which can cause side effects.

The keys to treating hyperglycemia are as follows.

Dietary management

In the diets of people with type 2 diabetes or a tendency to hyperglycemia, there must be a reduction in simple sugars. These nutrients have a significant impact on blood sugar levels, creating greater stress on the liver.

In fact, regularly consuming sugar is associated with a higher incidence of metabolic pathologies, according to a study published in Frontiers in Bioscience.

When it comes to providing carbohydrates, it’s important to make sure that they’re complex. To do this, you have to choose foods such as tubers, legumes, and whole grains (such as rice). However, it’s important to avoid flour and its derivatives, such as bread and pasta. The absorption of the sugars contained in these foods is too fast.

However, there’s evidence that a significant reduction in dietary carbohydrates improves the management of diabetes and reduces the incidence of hyperglycemia. This is evidenced by an investigation published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes , in which they propose a ketogenic diet for the treatment of this type of patients.

Dietary protocols

In any case, not all people with diabetes have good adherence to a diet low in carbohydrates. This strategy can help control the problem and avoid the need for medication, but individual tolerance needs to be checked first. If it can’t be raised, then it’ll be necessary to resort to other methods.

In addition to the ketogenic diet, dietary protocols have been found that can also help treat hyperglycemia, preventing its development.

An example would be intermittent fasting, as stated in a review published in the journal Nutrients. This achieves a greater sensitivity to insulin, which avoids large deviations in blood sugar from the optimal values.

However, it should be noted that any approach that involves weight loss is usually effective in preventing or controlling diabetes. This pathology is very closely associated with negative changes in body composition.


Physical activity is key to treating hyperglycemia and improving diabetes control. Especially the work of muscular strength, as this increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels.

In addition, this type of work optimizes body composition, increasing the percentage of lean mass and reducing the fat mass.

Even interval training sessions have shown clear benefits when it comes to excess weight and metabolic illnesses. On the other hand, these approaches are able to increase the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, making the heart more competent when it comes to meeting irrigation demands.

As a general rule, it’s recommended that people strength train 3-4 times a week. However, it’s important to follow the principle of progression in handling loads, always going from less to more. It’s essential to avoid stagnation by increasing the intensity of the training, as well as adapting the session to the person’s possibilities.

Exercise doesn’t only have benefits for young people, but also helps to improve the health of older adults.

Even in these cases, a reduction in the incidence of hyperglycemia and the development of other chronic and complex health pathologies can be achieved. This is evidenced by a study published in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America.


Good rest is another of the key elements when it comes to improving glycemic control. During the night, many hormonal regulation processes take place. In fact, not having enough sleep can create a greater appetite the next day, making it difficult to control body weight.

In addition, inadequate rest can impair the body’s ability to recover, so that muscle tissue can suffer and experience higher protein destruction. Experts consider this to be counterproductive in order to achieve a good state of body composition.

Supplements for the treatment of hyperglycemia

It’s essential to watch your diet in order to control blood sugar and treat hyperglycemia. Increasing the consumption of vegetables and fiber, while restricting simple carbohydrates at the same time, will have a positive impact on health. However, there are a number of substances that can help improve results even more.

The one with the most evidence behind it is cinnamon, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This spice is capable of reducing blood sugar levels, which helps to avoid hyperglycemic situations.

Using supplements is one option, but it’s usually enough to use it frequently to flavor dishes.

Likewise, there’s some evidence to indicate that apple cider vinegar can also act as an antidiabetic, helping to control blood glucose. However, the research results haven’t been as strong as in the case of cinnamon, in which experts found a clear improvement.

Substances to avoid when treating hyperglycemia

People who suffer from diabetes or who have experienced episodes of hyperglycemia have to be very careful with the consumption of certain foods. Simple sugars are especially harmful to these people, especially when administered in liquid form. For this reason, soft drinks and juices must be removed from the diet.

Not even those that use artificial sweeteners are a good option, as there are doubts as to the healthiness of these additives and their impact on the intestinal microbiota. They could also be counterproductive in improving blood sugar management.

On the other hand, it’s essential to avoid the consumption of toxins such as tobacco and alcohol. Both substances are harmful to health regardless of the amount you consume. They can generate immediate effects on blood glucose levels, as well as a state of inflammation in the medium term that increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Pharmacological treatment of hyperglycemia

Hyperglycemia can be controlled with drugs
In most cases, people suffering from hyperglycemia require daily medication to control their metabolic situation.

In addition to controlling lifestyle habits, there are certain drugs that allow the treatment of hyperglycemia, helping to effectively control blood sugar levels. Insulin supplied exogenously is one of the most common mechanisms to correct deviations in blood glucose levels, especially in type 1 diabetics.

Insulin is taken in the form of daily injections after meals in order to prevent blood sugar from spiking due to the effect of carbohydrates. There are several types of insulin depending on their speed of action. However, it isn’t common for people to type 2 diabetes to take it, especially if they don’t have frequent attacks.

On the other hand, there’s another type of drug – this time for oral consumption – which can help to control blood glucose. One example is pramlintide, which delays gastric emptying to cause a progressive entry of glucose into the blood and a reduction in glucagon secretion. You can even use this medicine to promote weight loss.

It’s also important to highlight metformin, a drug that helps reduce blood sugar levels, However, doctors don’t recommend it during pregnancy as it can penetrate the placenta and reach the fetus.

Surgery for the treatment of hyperglycemia

Another option for treating hyperglycemia is bariatric surgery. This is beneficial in patients with obesity, and it can drastically reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body. If accompanied by a change in lifestyle habits, it can create regular benefits in the medium term.

A pancreas cell transplant can also be considered, to increase the efficiency of this organ. However, it’s a type of intervention that isn’t usually considered on a regular basis, as it requires immunosuppression and carries certain risks.

Relying on traditional pharmacology is a better option, as well as on the modification of lifestyle habits, thus favoring weight loss.

Treating hyperglycemia by improving lifestyle habits

In summary, it’s quite feasible to propose an effective treatment for hyperglycemia. The key is to modify lifestyle habits, seeking to experience a weight loss that affects the body. This reduces the levels of systemic inflammation and increases insulin sensitivity.

In addition, it’s vital to practice physical exercise on a regular basis. This is one of the most powerful health tools available, reducing the risk of getting sick from multiple causes. Finally, there are spices such as cinnamon that will help improve the results even more.

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